If some one addicted to Internet, he will be required some of email account.Most of them choosing world most popular mail service which google mail, which shortly called Gmail.But did you know there's more than that you usually do with your Gmail which can help you to make thing easier and better.This article is to Introduce you few of them for you knowledge that you can you next time you try to check your hundreds of mails.Here they are please consider if you find it very useful, don't forget to share with your friends.So here they are,
1.Tired of receiving newsletter.Stop them easily
If you want to get rid of some newsletter there's a only one click to do that.Notice there are 'unsubscribe" button next to sender's address.Or type 'unsubscribe" in the searchbox and search.you'll see the list of you mails.Mark them as good as you required.
2.Make sure no secret activity in your account
If you feeling afraid that some one's been inside your account, you check yourself.check your "last account activity." In inbox view, scroll all the way down, and in the bottom right corner in tiny text, you'll see "Last account activity: X minutes ago." Click "Details," and Gmail will reveal exactly when each IP address accessed your account and which devices they are using.
3. Reply all
Have to do worst part that reply the same details to large group.we can help you about that. In Settings under the General tab, head to "Reply Behavior" and switch to "Reply All.
4.Select multiple masseges
In Inbox view, holding down the Shift key while selecting messages will check multiple email threads at once.
5.Search options
Typing in any of these operators will get you a more refined search.
- To find messages matching keyword A or keyword B, type "OR" in all caps, for example: from:amy OR from:david.
- Find specific types of files with "filename:" for example: filename:jpg.
- Search messages within a certain period with "after:" and "before:" for example: after:2014/04/30 before:2014/05/06.
6.Multiple inbox
Confront yourself with unread emails first thing every morning by setting up multiple inboxes. With this feature, you'll see your unread emails in one inbox on top, and everything else on the bottom. Head to Settings under the Inbox tab, then select "Unread First" under the Inbox Type drop-down menu.
7.Read mails off line
The most unrated feature in gmail.It's a chrome extension that allows you to read,search,respond to, also archive emails without Internet connection.First click on the Gear icon (Right at the top)> setting, then click the gmail offline tab.then the gmail extension will sync and download details and data in your account for a while and it doesn't required any spaces from your hard.
8.Keyboard shortcut
These will be most important method to make your works easy and short.But at first, you need to enable keyboard shortcut from the settings(gear icon right at the top) >general, then look at down by scrolling the page, you'll see keyboard shortcut on/off option.After turning it on try these buttons with your keyboard.
- 'j" to go to older messages
- 'k" to go to newer messages
- 'e" to archive
- 'shift + #" to trash
- '/" to type in the search bar
- 'a" to reply all
- 'r" to reply individually
9.Filter setup
If the any of letaral party sending too many emails? If you don't want to see those emails show up in your inbox but would like to keep on receiving them in place you can check easily : Select the message > More > Filter messages like these > Create filter with this search (you can add other keywords or filter out only messages with attachments, too) > Select Skip the Inbox (Archive It) and Apply the label (create a new label with the name of the company). Alternatively, you can set up emails from select friends and family to skip the inbox and be filtered into special labels.
10.Unread message show icon in tab
A Google Labs extension called "Unread message icon" shows you how many unread emails are in your inbox. It updates automatically so you don't have to keep opening your inbox.Just Go to Settings > Labs tab > Enable "Unread message icon".That's all.
11.Send email from from difference address at one account.
Need to use your another mail address that you can verify your own.Go to setting>Account and import, and then send mail as> add another Email address you own.After importing your external mail address,You can chose which address you want to use when you send mails.
12.Set up Send schedule Emails later
Have to write email but need to send latter that you might be able or unable.You can solve the problem by downloading Boomerang Gmail plug-in.So you can set up schedule Emails to be send latter.
Imagine your reception check emails at a usually time that you geuss or you already know.So you can set up your mail to be send at time,date as you wish.
13.Ways to insert photos
When you write any mails you can insert any photo easily.Open compose mail tab and look down at the window.you can easily find Insert files using drive.This option will let you sync your photos from your google drive service easily.It doesn't matter if it an entire album.Secondly you can see next to drive button called insert photo.This will let you to upload photos from your computer.Consider theses option does not any attachment.The photo wil be shown in your mail.Just like you design the mail.
Exceeded the space limit on your mail account.Deleting large mails is the easiest way.Just type on the search box like this.'Size;(mb size you wish to larger than)m".Then the results will display all email bigger than [mb number] of megabytes. <click here if need to know how much space you have left>
15.Snooze emails
Some email, like invites to weekend shindigs or nonpressing action items, you'd rather read later. A Google Chrome extension called Snooze Your Email for Gmail puts a hold on those emails for hours or days, then bubbles them back up to the top with a desktop reminder. For other browsers, try this Google Apps Script.
16.Send and archive
If inbox zero is what you're trying to achieve, this magic button will help you do it. Once you've responded to an email, that conversation will be moved away from the inbox into a digital filing cabinet. Archiving doesn't mean deleting mail. You can find archived messages in the All Mail tab on the left or with the search bar on top.To enable Send and Archive, go to the gear icon (top right) > Settings. Under the General tab, find Send and Archive and select Show Send & Archive in reply.
17.Add emails to task
Responding to email takes a lot of time and energy. If it's not done immediately, it might never get done. Make sure important emails get attended to by adding them to Tasks. In the upper left, click the Gmail drop-down menu to open your Tasks window. To add an email to Tasks, select it from the inbox or open it, then click the More tab at the top. Select Add to Tasks.In your Tasks window, you'll now see a list of emails that need responding to. Click on the task to go directly to the thread without having to search for it!
18.Drag label into the message
This trick is an oldie but goodie. Drag and drop Gmail labels on top of threads in your inbox. It's so much easier than clicking on the Label tab and selecting the right category.
19.Make your inbox comfier
If your inbox looks like a mess, give your eyes a break. In the gear icon on the top right, select the "Comfortable" display density. This will increase the space between emails, and add more white space in the right side navigation.
Hope you learned something new methods and tips to make your work easy than never better.So if you really feel this article would be important, please share with your friend.Also post your thoughts.
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